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Nominate a Colleague


Important Deadlines:

  • Chairs, VP EA & VP PSPB: March 15
  • All other positions: June 15

Apply for a Position


Important Deadlines:

  • Chairs, VP EA & VP PSPB: March 30
  • All other positions: June 30

Position Descriptions and Eligibility


Nominations Schedule

Activity Timeframe*
Accept nominations for select volunteer leadership positions All year
IEEE Assembly Election slate made public 30 days before Assembly November meeting
Contact nominees for required information January - September
Evaluate eligible candidates July - October
Appointment of Committee Chairs by IEEE Board of Directors June
Recommend IEEE Officer candidates to the IEEE Assembly:
  1. Vice President Educational Activities
  2. Vice President Publications Services & Products
  3. IEEE Secretary
  4. IEEE Treasurer


  1. October
  2. October
  3. October
  4. October
Recommend candidates to the IEEE Board of Directors for service in the following year November
Election of Officers by the IEEE Assembly November
Appointment of Committee members by IEEE Board of Directors November
IEEE President-Elect candidate slate announced by IEEE Board of Directors November

* Timeframes are estimates only and may be subject to change based on the IEEE Nominations & Appointments Committee and Board of Directors meeting schedules.  

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the application or nomination process, please contact: nominations@ieee.org or visit the IEEE Nominations page.